Tuesday 29 June 2021

strength of 1000

today we had to write a story about a lady who had super powers my least favurite part was having to read it to make sure it made sense but it was worth it. 

Thursday 24 June 2021

electrical energy

 1. in 1879 was when electricity was invented and it was first used in new york in 1882. Alexander lodygin was the person who invented electricity

2. a spark of static can measure up to 3,000 volts.

3.electricity travels at the speed of light about 300,000 kilometers per second   

4. a bolt of single lightning unleashes five times more than the sun per second. with an average bolt of lightning striking from a cloud to the ground containing roughly one billion joules of energy.

5. the world has more than 2 million miles of pipeline. since 2010 there have been 3,978 hazardous liquid pipeline incidents including fatalities,26 injuries,2,482 people evacuated,120 fires, 15 explosions, and over 2.8 billion in property damage.

today I finished our inquiry we have been working on for a few weeks and we have to present this to the class on Monday my favorite thing about this was being able to learn more things about electricity my least favorite thing was having to write it all down because it took me a long time to do that.  

octopus report

octopus report

For the last couple of weeks, my class have been learning about octopuses and writing down facts on a big sheet we have done a lot of research and we got as much information as we can get and today we have to post it on our blogs 

The life cycle of an octopus has 4 stages egg larvae juvenile and adult and even some die after mating. A life cycle is when it gets born then grows into an adult. for example, it starts off as egg larvae- juvenile- adult.

 Octopus feed on crustacean clams, fish, and other octopi. Octopus-like living under rocks and hiding in the sand. Mainly around coastal waters. They are famous for their 8 tentacles and a large spherical head. 

Octopus is very playful resourceful and inquisitive and is very famous for being able to open jars and throw things at people they are also very good at escaping.

They are usually found in rocky areas and love to hide under rocks and catch food there because there are lots of crabs and lobsters in rocky places.